Munchmuseet, MM N 3773
MM N 3773, Munchmuseet. Datert 1879. Brevutkast til Halvard Stub Holmboe.
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Billederne forhåbentlig2 bliver1 god
Dear Halvard! \My dear Hal/
Thank you for your letter. Yesterday
sitting in my room I heard two ointments
of burns. Consequently there must be a great
fire, for else there is not used to do it here in
town. I therefore hastened out and having ar-
rived to the place of the fire – Balkeløkken,
that is one of the {most poor}\poorest/ parts of the town
– {an ocean of fire}\was there like/ an ocean of fire before me.
Almost all of the houses in Balkeløkken are
made of wood and they had become very
dry by the sun that now in several days
has been ve extraordiarily hot. In consequnc
of this the fire spread with {‹exceed›}\incredible/ speed.
Within about two hours were {3}{\4/}\5/0–{4}\6/0 houses
in fire. The fire began at four o’clock in the
afternoon and at seven o’clock all of them
were burnt {t}\d/own to the ground. It was wery remark-
able to see hvo how cold-blooded the firem{a}\e/n
were though the hot around them. The entered
burning houses and went straight through
live coals, hurling down and they often ran
the risk of being burried af them. It no‹t›
finished without bad luck. One of them
{t}\g/ot his h{o}\e/ad burnt and it is said that
another was consumed by the fire. A boy
scorched, with respect to say, his backside
and others got more or lesser scars. If {there}\all/
{was a ‹little› … of a cat}\men dreaded the fire so/ there was yet a
being who made the contrary. It was a cat.
Edv. Munch. Edv. Munch